I have loved celebrating Christmas with beautiful families! Getting to create stunning pictures for them to treasure forever and ever. Blury Photography’s Christmas Mini Sessions have now drawn to a close for 2020 and my oh my, what a time it was. I was so lucky that all my Christmas mini sessions sold out completely! Plus, I got to Focus on What Truly Matters.


Don’t we know, it is very easy to lose sight of What Truly Matters. I think somewhere along the way this December I lost sight of it a little bit. Before I get fully candid and tell you what I’ve learnt… take a peek at some of these amazing humans and sweet moment captured in Blury Photography’s Styled Bohemian Mini Christmas Sessions:

Christmas Minis 2020

My oh my…. aren’t my clients incredible.

To get in touch and find out if there are any upcoming Mini Sessions with Blury Photography… Get in touch.


Okay. So here’s the tea. This is my very first Christmas with my baby, Daisy. You may have seen on @bluryphotography IG my long list of all the Christmas Traditions I wanted to instigate this year. In case you have forgotten let me remind you:


  • Christmas Carolling
  • Midnight Mass
  • Open a present each on Christmas Eve
  • Santa Sack/Stocking
  • Christmas Music around the home
  • Christmas Light Looking
  • Family Photos
  • Santa Photo
  • Christmas Card + Family update
  • Gingerbread house
  • Christmas Morning Matching Pajamas (P.s. you can find great Aussie matching Christmas Pajamas HERE at Giddy Vibes)
  • Real Christmas Tree


Oh, plus also in December is my Birthday. We were going away and I had planned a bunch of shoots, heaps of catch ups with Fam etc. etc. For any of you who have been a Mama for more than a minute are probably laughing and thinking ‘yeah, right lol.’ I am what you would call an anti-realist (aka, dreamer extraordinaire) and my heart was set on completing each and every one of those tasks.


Well, as you have probably guessed a few days ago I completely lost the plot and felt super stressed about Christmas. So did my poor Hubby since I was trying to fit in a million activities into every single day (sorry Brenten!!). It was December 22nd and I still didn’t have a Christmas tree up, I’d taken photos for everyone else and not myself! Santa was seemingly booked out everywhere! I wasn’t sure if my 9 month old would love her Christmas present forever and basically my perfect checklist Christmas was falling apart. I think I lost sight a little on What Truly Matters.

The good news!

But there is good news here. I did a little Christmas Cull of my Checklist to a few little things that did Truly Matter to me. I stopped trying to be the perfect do-it-all mother, took a breath and realised I have soooo many more Christmases with my family and time to do all the fun activities. Some great friends and family reminded me that being together was the most important of all, and celebrating the birth of Jesus.

I don’t know who needs to hear this (even if I’m just reminding Christmas 2021 me) but your kids want YOU. Not even a perfect you, show up and do your best. If you want a few tips.. here’s what I have learnt.

Focus on gratitude and giving thanks for what you do have

  1. Be kind to yourself by setting realistic expectations
  2. Plan activities ahead of time. With plenty of space between each of them, prioritising the ones which mean most to you
  3. Hold ‘things’ loosely and hold people tight

I decided that for me, getting photos done was at the top of my list. So that is what we did. I finally got around to taking Family photos of our own fam and I know they will be treasured forever. Our first Christmas as an extended family of 7.


Merry Christmas, dear ones.


Take a peek at our extremely last minute, quick, thrown together but full of love and laughter family photos:

My own Christmas Mini Family Photos

Hey! I'm Courtney Blury of Blury Photography. If you're a big-hearted mama, looking to document the good moments then I am your girl x

