It was your average Tuesday morning, I had woken up multiple times by my newborn and feeling pretty dazed. It was about 6AM. My hand reached over to my phone to check the time, and somehow I ended up on facebook. But boy am I glad I did.
Blury Photography had been tagged in a mama’s post, who was desperately seeking a photographer for some Newborn portrait photography. Amy had her photographer cancel on her a few times and her newborn (Hudson) was simply just growing too quickly (as they do) and she wanted to make sure she got photos of him whilst he was still young.
I was oh too keen to swoop in and come to the rescue because I knew I had the PERFECT spot for her photos, that evening. I was so excited and really hoped she would book.
It’s pretty obvious what happened next, isn’t it? She booked!! Amy booked in for a Newborn portrait photography session that very afternoon, in the gorgeous Wheat and Wildflower (Daisy Fields), about an hours drive from Ipswich.
You would be surprised to hear that Mr Hudson was a little unsettled for some of the session. The only reason I want to tell you that is because well.. MANY babies are! I don’t want any mamas feeling nervous about ‘what if my baby doesn’t settle well for my newborn photographer’. We have many tips and tricks up our sleeves. And after a little break and of course, some milk, Hudson was ready to power through the last part of the session. You would never even know that he was having a bit of a moment at the beginning. Right?
I will always make sure we get enough great photos! If that means we need to do a reshoot on another day, due to bub’s uncooperativeness, we will discuss that possibility.
Amy & Nic were absolutely doing such great teamwork in settling Hudson and giving him lots of love and comfort. The newborn phase can be really tough to try and learn bub’s cues, especially for first time mums. And I loved seeing their patience and graciousness in full swing! A big tip I have for parents during their photo session is to take a deep breath and use your family portrait time as a time to connect, not to go heavy on discipline (in the case of toddlers/kids). I didn’t have go through any of that with Amy & Nic because they were honestly just smashing it.
What did Amy think of her experience with Blury Photography?
Okay, I was SO chuffed to read this on one of the local Facebook Groups. Feedback like this absolutely makes my heart so happy, and it was very kind of Amy to recommend me to other locals. I mean, why wouldn’t she want the chance to show off her gorgeous photos as well!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Book your Newborn Photography Session with Blury Photography
Here’s a look at their Newborn Portrait Photography!

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